Welcome to the WORD OF GOD.
This is not a competition. But rather a participation of a parish activity.
So we humbly request you not to be concerned about scoring or getting marks which is good. Therefore we would like to encourage you to refer to the Bible rather than getting an answer from the internet or google.
As mentioned The Bible quiz will be held in 3 stages-
The first 2 would be online and the final one would be face to face and it would be held in our parish.
The first stage would have easy questions and open to all individuals.. All the participants will be rewarded with prizes.
The kids who participate in the Bible Quiz need to be supported and approved by the parents while sending the emails and answers.
The prizes and awards will be distributed the week following the publication of the result.
The second stage would have more tougher questions and it would be family based.
Each week the questions and answers and list of kids participated will be published in the parish bulletins and the parish website.
The prizes and awards are generally given at 9.30am Mass at Nowra. However they could be received at the weekend Masses in any of the six Churches in our parish provided you mention the specific Mass and church in the Quiz form.
If you have missed out any previous quizes, you may access the same from the below