We are all called to be Stewards. As a Church we rely on the generosity of parishioners in our parish to help fund the ongoing expenses like insurance, maintenance, running of the parish, liturgies and parish events etc. We encourage you to sign up for regular planned giving and thank you for your generosity.
The parish office staff will assist you with any questions you may have. There are several ways that you can contribute to this collection:
- Direct Debit from your nominated account.
Please download and return to the parish office or place in the second collection. - Credit Card.
The Parish Office can make a charge on your nominated credit card on a regular basis.
Please download the direct debit form and return to the parish office. - Cash donations in the Second Collection
- Weekly Envelopes
These are placed in the Second Collection basket each weekend during Mass.
Envelopes can be organised through the parish office.
You can contact the parish office on 4423 1712 or office@nowraparish.org.au
Download the Direct Debit form: