Helping in the corporate worship, the source and summit of the Christian life, are a whole range of disciples – from servers and readers, to ministers of holy communion, musicians and greeters, to those who help prepare children and adults for baptism and reception into the Church.



Description: Adults who assist the priest during Mass.
Contact: via the Parish Office :: Ph 4423 1712.

Altar Servers

Description: Children in year 5 and above who assist the priest at Mass.
Contact: via the Parish Office :: Ph 4423 1712.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Description: Adults who assist with the distribution of communion during Mass, and take communion to the sick and homebound.
Contact: via the Parish Centre :: Ph 4423 1712.

Music Ministry

Description: To co-ordinate liturgy and music for the celebration of Mass and other religious ceremonies.
Member Details: New members are invited to join.
Contact: via the Parish Office :: Ph 4423 1712.


Description: Parishioners proclaim the Word of God during the Mass.
Contact: via the Parish Office :: Ph 4423 1712.

Children’s Liturgy

Description: Liturgy delivered to children at their level of understanding during the 9.30am St Michael’s, Nowra Sunday Mass during school terms.  
Member Details: Pre-school children (accompanied by a sibling or friend) to Year 6 children, are invited to attend.  
Contact: Toni Hodges ::  0411 677 899 or the Parish Office :: 4423 1712.

Becoming a Catholic (RCIA)

Description: Unbaptised men and women are welcomed to the Catholic Church. Participants undergo a process of conversion as they study the Gospel, profess faith in Jesus and the Catholic Church, and receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.
Member Details: Any interested person.
Contact: via the Parish Centre :: Ph 4423 1712.

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